Top Workplaces Blog

Elevate your workplace culture with exclusive insights and actionable tips from the nation’s leading employer recognition program.


Why Do Employer Recognition Awards Matter?

In the pursuit of brand recognition, organizations turn to employer recognition awards for credible third-party validation. Beyond being shiny plaques, these awards signify legitimacy and industry leadership. 

Workplace Culture

Creating A High-Performance Culture

It’s essential to consider company culture when discussing overall business performance because culture impacts productivity and performance in a very tangible way. Building a high-performance culture takes time, planning and effort – but brings countless benefits for organizations and employees alike. Here, we dive into the high performance culture framework, definition, characteristics, and offer tips for improved performance.

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Quiet Firing

Quiet Firing

Quiet firing is a buzzword that gained attention on the heels of quiet quitting. This blog post delves into the topic, including its meaning, typical examples, and how it can impact workplace culture. By recognizing the signs of quiet firing, employers can prevent this harmful practice and foster a workplace culture of employee engagement.

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Image of paper planes soaring over company buildings
Workplace Culture

How to Improve Company Culture

Research shows that company culture significantly impacts business performance and employee engagement. Measuring and improving culture attracts top talent and strengthens current employee trust. Here, we cover the basics of company culture, why it’s essential, and how you can create a more positive workplace.

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Workplace Culture in Uncertain Times
Workplace Culture

Company Culture in Uncertain Times

As HR and leadership professionals, it is essential to understand the importance of culture and take proactive steps to cultivate and maintain a positive culture, especially in times of uncertainty. Today’s most successful companies are doubling down on strengthening connections and giving employees a voice. Here are six best practices based on Top Workplaces research.

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Best Leadership Development Programs
Workplace Culture

10 Companies With Great Leadership Development Programs

Top Workplaces invest in leadership development programs, and for a good reason. When companies take a proactive approach to identify future leaders and equip them with the right skills, they can achieve sustained success, from employee growth and engagement to recruitment and retention. Here we highlight Top Workplaces that excel at leadership and professional development.

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Best Nonprofit Organizations to Work For
Workplace Culture

Best Nonprofit Organizations to Work For

The nonprofit industry offers a wide range of meaningful careers. Finding an organization that aligns with your interests and passions can be challenging, but starting with award-winning Top Workplaces is a great place to start. Here we highlight ten nonprofits that have earned recognition for a people-centered culture.

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Best Healthcare Companies to Work For
Workplace Culture

Best Healthcare Companies to Work For

The best healthcare companies know what matters most to their employees. As a result, these organizations experience high employee engagement, satisfaction, and happiness. Top Workplaces in the healthcare industry provide employees with a safe and rewarding culture that supports employee well-being. Here we highlight ten Top Workplaces that have earned an industry award.

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Top Finance Companies to Work for
Workplace Culture

Best Finance Companies to Work for in America

Top Workplaces celebrates companies achieving culture excellence. Here are ten firms that earned the Top Workplaces in Finance award who represent some of the best finance companies to work for in the U.S. Despite the challenging work environment, this award represents the hard work and dedication of companies that believe in the importance of people-first cultures.

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Best Manufacturing Companies
Workplace Culture

Five Top Manufacturing & Production Companies to Work for in the USA

From risk management and contingency plans to workforce safety and attracting new talent, the pandemic caused many problems for the manufacturing industry. But some manufacturing firms have weathered the storm better than others. Here we highlight five award-winning Top Workplaces that have proven prioritizing a people-first culture has its benefits.

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Signs of a Bad Company
Workplace Culture

Signs of a Bad Company to Work For

A bad company culture breeds a toxic environment that leaves employees feeling drained, unmotivated, and unfulfilled. But sometimes, these factors are not immediately visible because they occur beneath the surface. To find a job you love, look for the qualities of a great workplace. This red flag list will help you avoid falling into a bad work situation.

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2021 Culture Insights
Workplace Culture

Employees Did Plenty of Soul-Searching in 2021

The COVID pandemic prompted people to give more of themselves to their work in the spring of 2020, but 2021 was the year workers decided to focus more on what they wanted or needed for themselves. That’s evident in the employee engagement survey responses analyzed by Energage. Here’s what data collected from more than 2 million workers revealed.

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Companies with Best Work Cultures
Workplace Culture

10 Companies With Great Work Cultures

Employees are hunting for new opportunities that meet their growing list of needs, and that’s putting pressure on companies to prioritize workplace culture. The nation’s Top Workplaces already do this, and job seekers consider them great places to work. Here we highlight ten award-winning companies that have proven their commitment to a people-first culture.

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B the Change Image, B-Corp
Workplace Culture

Proud to Be a Certified B Corporation

At Energage, we help leaders make a valuable impact on workplace culture, the working lives of employees, and society overall. That’s why we’ve chosen to be a Certified B Corporation.

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Generations at Work
Workplace Culture

What if My Grandpa Was My Boss?

Understanding the whole person, whether they’re 24 or 94, will make all of us better at work. Here are three ways generations tend to differ and how you can create understanding and appreciation in your company culture.

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