Top Workplaces Blog

Elevate your workplace culture with exclusive insights and actionable tips from the nation’s leading employer recognition program.


Why Do Employer Recognition Awards Matter?

In the pursuit of brand recognition, organizations turn to employer recognition awards for credible third-party validation. Beyond being shiny plaques, these awards signify legitimacy and industry leadership. 

Workplace Appreciation Ideas

Workplace Appreciation

When employees feel undervalued at work, they face a critical decision: stay and hope for change, or seek a more appreciative workplace somewhere else. The less they feel appreciated, more the allure of leaving grows. In this article, we dive into workplace appreciation, why it matters, and how to create a successful appreciation strategy. Plus, we’ve got more than three dozen ideas you can use to ensure your employees feel valued and motivated to excel each and every day.

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Companies That Understand Employee Recognition

6 Companies with Great Employee Recognition

Companies with the best employee recognition programs go beyond tangible benefits to make employees feel appreciated, valued, and motivated. They’re also more likely to stay with your company, significantly impacting employee retention. Here, we feature six award-winning Top Workplaces that rank highly for employee recognition and highlight employee rewards and recognition program examples.

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Benefits of Employee Recognition

Importance & Benefits of Employee Recognition

Employee recognition boosts morale and motivation and it consistently ranks as a driver of employee engagement. Top Workplaces excel at appreciation and they incorporate it into their cultures. They know more is always better, and consistency is key. Here we discuss the importance and benefits of employee recognition programs. Read on to learn practical ideas, what to watch for, and how to get started.

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Employee Recognition Ideas

9 Employee Recognition Award Ideas

Meaningful appreciation differs from one individual to the next. The trick is to know what matters most to employees, understand how they want to be recognized, and be consistent with your efforts. Done right, you will build a culture of appreciation that makes people feel valued and connected. Here are nine employee recognition ideas and best practices from Top Workplaces.

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What is Employee Recognition

What is Employee Recognition?

Want to improve motivation, job satisfaction, morale, and employee retention? Research shows that giving and receiving appreciation helps employees feel good. They strive for better performance too. After all, “Thanks goes a long way.” One of the qualities of a great workplace, the nation’s Top Workplaces understand the value of employee recognition programs. They’re also intentional about building people-first cultures rich in appreciation.

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2022 Employee Appreciation Day

What Does Appreciation at Work Really Mean?

Employee Appreciation Day is Friday, March 4. It celebrates the feel-good connection between workers and the workplace. Yet, workplace appreciation shouldn’t be a single date on a calendar. Award-winning workplaces practice it year-round. And while there isn’t a single best way to show appreciation, we see common themes in the feedback we’ve studied from dozens of highly-rated workplaces.

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