Retain Talent & Boost Employee Morale

Four ways Top Workplaces awards can boost employee morale

Share the news & thank employees >>

Reveal the exciting news at a company meeting. Be sure to thank your employees for their participation and survey feedback.

Make a splash in your newsletter >>

Share some of the anonymous employee comments from the survey feedback to highlight what your company does best.

Celebrate with your employees >>

Have fun with your award! Host a celebration – either virtual or on site – or create a hype video to share with all.

Share the badges and show off the gold >>

Feature the Top Workplaces badge around your office, on your websites, on social channels, and in email signatures.
Image of Top Workplaces company logo

Celebrate your win with Top Workplaces swag

From plaques and pins to balloons, pens, and custom videos, the Top Workplaces merchandise store offers lots of great ways to commemorate your achievement and build company spirit.

"People feel very empowered to change jobs (driven by remote work), so the “quit rate” is now four million per month — the highest ever. That means companies have to be even more focused on employment brand, wages, benefits, and fantastic recruiting processes. The “war for talent” is now a “holy war for talent,” if you know what I mean."

See how your culture impacts retention

The survey you already completed for Top Workplaces offers valuable intelligence. Energage Insights delivers analysis on what’s helping and hurting your company so you can:

  • Make data-driven decisions
  • Identify blind spots and bright spots
  • See which results really matter
  • Take action with intelligence
Image Energage Insights screenshot

Resources to help you retain talent & boost employee morale

Employer Recognition Programs Boost Morale and Strengthen Connection

Workplace recognition programs can strengthen employee connection and offer a much-needed morale boost for companies that listen to their employees.

12 Tips to Boost Employee Retention

How do organizations boost employee retention to keep their talent? Just listen to folks who know. We gathered tips from several Top Workplaces companies that rated among the highest for employee retention.

Award-winning Companies Attract Better Job Candidates and Have Lower Turnover

A recent research study funded by the SHRM Foundation shows award-winning organizations excel at recruitment and retention. Here’s what separates the best from the rest.