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  2. Clickstop, Inc.

Clickstop, Inc.

Clickstop employs high-performing, opportunistic-minded people who drive growth. The culture at Clickstop is the company’s competitive advantage and
has enabled multi-million-dollar growth since its founding in 2005.

By reinvesting the initial profits of its flagship brand, US Cargo Control, the company now owns five diverse brands and employs 200+ team members
who passionately operate them. ... Read more
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To create a business that is sustainable, enjoyable, and provided opportunity for those who seek it.... Read more


Be Adventurous. Embrace & Drive Change
Clickstop seeks adventure, and adventure seekers find Clickstop. Growth isn’t happening without those who move beyond what’s comfortable. High levels of curiosity and exploration lead to the creation of new abilities, acquisitions of businesses and the discovery of exciting opportunities. Keep moving and improving.


Urbana, IA


200 US Employees


Industrial / Commercial Supplies

Recent Awards

Company Snapshots

Clickstop Manufacturing Team
Clickstop employees organize a drive for a local food pantry
Ben Reckhemmer (left) celebrating his 20th anniversary at Clickstop alongside Founder and CEO, Tim Guenther (right)
Rock Star Award Winner, Lauren Gilbertson