United Way of Greater of Atlanta Uses
Survey Data To Implement
Workplace culture measurement and improvement, identify focus areas, and determine action steps
Workplace Survey, Insights
Data-driven decision making, realignment of company values, and informative culture insights
United Way of Greater Atlanta brings people and resources together to improve the well-being of children, families, and individuals in their community. Its executive team looks to the Energage Platform to collect employee feedback, measure culture themes, and create a roadmap for improvement.
“I love the Energage survey process, and our employees really appreciate that we ask for their input. It’s super simple to pull valuable information, create data visualization presentations for leadership, and determine what you want your message to be. That helps us dissect the survey insights as a team, categorize focus areas, and implement changes.
Erin Echols
Associate Vice President, Human Resources, United Way of Greater Atlanta

The Energage Platform makes it easy to see workplace culture trends
The Energage Platform helps us to see and understand more than numbers. We have the data points to compare engagement and sentiment levels throughout the years. We’re looking for ways to improve the organization, and this is one of the only HR tools where you can see that kind of progress.
We can track trends and see how scores change. We love it for that reason, and how it’s divided out into different points of interest. You can easily look at your culture drivers, your basics, and then, of course, you can track custom questions. It’s so nice to have a tool our employees are familiar with because they see it often, and that has helped to create trust in the tool.
Survey insights help United Way leaders benchmark data and create action plans
We use Energage Insights a lot. It’s really valuable; there is so much data and different ways to look at it, and we dive into it all. Insights helps our executive team compare departments and industry benchmarks. It’s easy to create PowerPoint presentations for every department so they can see their own data. It’s an excellent tool for determining where you need to focus, and where to start. Insights helps our executive team compare departments and industry benchmarks. It also helps you figure out where to focus, and how to start.
This year, employees ranked the Workplace Survey statement “we operate by strong values” lower than usual. Using Insights helped us to see an opportunity for improvement and create a survey question about our internal values, which we hadn’t discussed before. Now, we’re developing our list of values to use internally and for branding, which could be a big game-changer for our culture.
Energage offers quick and reliable expert support
Everybody on the Energage team is so helpful. When we have questions about anything, including the data, they’re very quick to respond. Each Energage team member has a certain area in which they excel, and they are great about connecting you with the right team member who will best support you based on your question or concern.