- Top Workplaces
- U.S. District Court
U.S. District Court
We manage cases filed in federal courts for the Western District of N.C. including calendaring cases, summoning jurors, paying restitution to victims, issuing civil and criminal judgments, serving orders of the Court, conducting naturalization ceremonies, holding CLE events in conjunction with the Mecklenburg County Bar and the N.C. Bar, etc.
We are public servants and the work of the federal courts impacts the lives of the American public in many ways through jury service, court trials, naturalization ceemonies, etc..
We are in the middle of building an 8-story annex and in a great disarray but still managing to provide quality service to the bar and the public with a smile.
Providing the fair administration of justice through quality service to the Court, the Bar, and the Public
Additional Culture Details
It is called a court family and I believe it is because we all work together for a common cause to provide the fair administration of justice through quality service to the Court, the Bar and the Public. This is our mission statement.
Our Chief Judge is an amazing leader whose positive, welcoming and considerate spirit filters down through the organization.
Our Chief Judge is an amazing leader whose positive, welcoming and considerate spirit filters down through the organization.
- Ethics
- All court employees adhere to the Code of Ethics for Judicial Employees