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Tricolor Auto Group LLC Company Logo
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  2. Tricolor Auto Group LLC

Tricolor Auto Group LLC

We operate a chain of buy-here-pay here used car dealerships in Dallas-Ft. Worth, Houston, Austin, Temple, San Antonio, Odessa and Midland. Through our branded locations, we provide our customers with a comprehensive end-to-end solution through a vertically integrated approach, with an emphasis on financing a quality, certified used vehicle. We distinguish our model through building a brand which resonates positively and clearly with our market.... Read more


Create a great workplace environment so every employee feels part of a bigger family. Create a support system in which everyone feels comfortable and supported., so we can introduce and nurture the initiative thinking in every single one of our employees so they can be autonomous and helpful at all times because our goal is to provide the better service possible to our customers, with honesty and transparency, always helping their needs and wants... Read more


Achieve our sales goal with the best revenue and compromise with our clientele, give our family of employees an amazing and passionate workplace environment.... Read more


Founded in 2007 to provide a great customer service experience and in-house financing to buy a vehicle, treating every single customer and employee as part of our big family while interacting with the community around us.... Read more


Always speak truthfully and with complete transparency

Recent Awards

  • 2014

  • 2013

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