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The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. Company Logo
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  2. The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc.

The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc.

With more than 200 years of expertise, The Hartford (NYSE:HIG) is a leader in property and casualty insurance, group benefits and mutual funds. The
company is widely recognized for its service excellence, sustainability practices, trust and integrity. More information on the company and its financial
performance is available at
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Hartford, CT


20,000 US Employees


Financial Services & Insurance - Other

Recent Awards

Company Snapshots

Employees from The Hartford volunteered at Green Harvest in Plainfield, IL to sort food donations and assemble summer lunch boxes for children.
Volunteers from The Hartford’s Aurora office came together with other local companies to help restore homes in Aurora, IL as part of Rebuilding Auora. Volunteers worked on repairing, painting and cleaning a home as well as installing new landscaping.
In addition to the Toys for Tots and a coat and scarf drive, employees collected a socks for Hesed House, a local homeless shelter in Aurora, IL.
Hartford employee Steve Grebner joined forces with Larry the Stag and Yorkville Fox Valley Therapy Dog Club to talk about Fire prevention at a local elementary school during Fire Safety Month.