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The Gramon Family of Schools Company Logo
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  2. The Gramon Family of Schools

The Gramon Family of Schools

The Gramon Family of Schools serves students with Autism Spectrum Disorder and other Developmental Disabilities ages 3-21. Drawing on the principles
of Applied Behavior Analysis, The Gramon Family of Schools utilizes a collaborative approach across multiple disciplines to address the needs of the
whole child. With the support of related service personnel including speech and language, occupational and physical therapy, as well as, board-certified
behavior analysts, the classroom teams support one another in order to customize an approach for the individual student.
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- Learning that takes place in a safe and caring environment.
- Collaboration between professionals in all areas of expertise. 
- Providing a support system for our families that extends beyond the walls of the schools.
- Reinforcing a positive school climate by celebrating staff and student success.
- Educating the whole child and preparing for learning across the lifespan.
- Differentiated instructional techniques to engage learners of all ages and abilities.
- Positive behavioral supports led by relevant data that demonstrates progress in all areas.
- Innovative, data-driven and progressive thinking that fosters program growth and development.
- Staying abreast of the latest research and trends in Special Education.

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Structured Learning
Transition Job Site
GFS Rock Wall
GFS Basketball Game