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Synagro Technologies, Inc. Company Logo
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  2. Synagro Technologies, Inc.

Synagro Technologies, Inc.

Founded in 1986, Synagro Technologies, Inc. works to turn waste into worth by helping more than 1,000 municipal, industrial water and wastewater
facilities, and agricultural partners in North America move toward safer, cleaner and more environmentally beneficial practices. For some, it’s simply
cleaning the water supply. For others, it’s much more – we partner with them to process their waste for compost or energy pellets, creating healthy soil
and sequestering carbon in the process. As the largest recycler of organic by-products in North America, we’re trusted because we remove risks while
keeping the logistics clean. Because we have the most experienced team in the industry, we can offer tailored solutions that ensure no was... Read more
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We turn waste into worth by helping more than 1,000 municipal, industrial water and wastewater facilities, and agricultural partners in North America
move toward safer, cleaner and more environmentally beneficial practices.
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We work to protect the health of our water, our Earth and those who depend upon them now and for the future.... Read more


Our mission is to be a reliable partner who removes risk from a complicated process, so customers can help us make our communities healthier. We
partner with stakeholders to clean our water, protect our environment and serve our communities by generating worth from what others consider
waste. We work to protect the health of our water, our Earth and those who depend on them now and in the future.
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Middle River, MD


780 US Employees


Waste & Pollution Management

Recent Awards

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Are you ready to help make a cleaner, greener world?RRR_Event Graphic.jpg
Synagro employees enjoy competitive salary as well as a comprehensive benefit package.
“I have made many meaningful relationships over the years with our customers, community and several companywide with my fellow Synagro employees. In part, these are the things that make me enjoy coming to work every day.” - Jamie Little, Senior Administrator, South Kern Compost Manufacturing Facility, Synagro
We take sustainability seriously. We work with our customers to ensure biosolids are recycled, removing biosolids from landfills, enhancing the soil and protecting our waterways.ent Graphic.jpg