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  2. St. Pius X School

St. Pius X School

St. Pius X School provides students with an exemplary Catholic education as evidenced by the reception of the National Blue Ribbon Award for Academic
Excellence in 2001 and 2015. Through an educational platform encouraging student learning by differentiating instruction, tiering content, and
implementing Response to Intervention (RTI), students are prepared to live, learn, and work in a globally competitive society, while achieving their full
Our teachers participate in Professional Learning Communities to discuss student learning and the most effective best practice methods. O... Read more
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The mission of St. Pius X School is to promote the spiritual, academic, and personal growth of each child by embracing the Gospel values of Jesus Christ.
St. Pius X School provides an exemplary Catholic education that helps students to be successful in their families, their communities, and the world.
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Edgewood, KY


63 US Employees


Primary / Secondary Schools

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