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SeaChange Company Logo
  1. Top Workplaces
  2. SeaChange


We are re-defining the printing industry with a modern approach. Women owned, SeaChange is diverse, inclusive, and has a warmth about its culture that shines through each day. We are SeaChangers, transforming what's possible, with our employee's wellbeing as a person-centered organization, to us our employees are the heart of everything we do. We are the culture, we are the energy, and we are a great group of talented people that are vested in creating quality print with eco-friendly approaches.... Read more


For a smaller team, we commit to over 342+ hours of community service annually, from Earth Day clean-up to volunteering. Our purpose is to provide quality printing services with our employees wellbeing top of mind. Our employees are the heart and foundation of all that we do. We are women owned, are WBE certified.... Read more


We believe great ideas that come from diverse perspectives.

Executive Leadership team:
43% are female identifying, 14%, are LGBTQIA+, and 14% are BIPOC.

SeaChange Employees:

Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.
-Ryunosuke Satoro
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Additional Culture Details

How can you spot a SeaChanger?
Sure, it's work. Yet when we walk through the doors at SeaChange, it doesn't always feel that way. That's because we've created a culture that celebrates shared successes. Values diversity. Gives back to the community. And makes our core values part of every decision we make.
From volunteering at the Crisis Nursery to cleaning up local parks for Earth Day, we do good things together - inside SeaChange’s walls and outside. We also recognize SeaChangers who excel in our commitment to quality and our core values with Good Catch and Core Catch awards.
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Imagine what's possible.


Plymouth, MN


150 US Employees



Company Snapshots

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