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ReMed Recovery Care Centers

Founded in 1984 on the single premise that people with brain injuries have potential to return to an active and fulfilling life in the community, ReMed’s extensive System of Comprehensive Services provides rehabilitation services, neurobehavioral services and supported living for people with mild, moderate and severe brain injuries. Providing residential, outpatient, and home and community based treatment; ReMed’s extensive continuum of care allows access at varying stages of recovery. Critical to ReMed’s success is the diagnosis of underlying symptoms and implementing individualized treatment that will work over the long term. Focusing on what a person can do and how far they want to go – improving function, regaining or amintianing quality of life, restoring meaningful relationships and developing new friendships is all part of the process. At home, school, work or play, ReMed focuses on the elements of a person’s life and making that life complete … taking them from where they are to where they want to be.... Read more


Paoli, PA


349 US Employees



Recent Awards

Company Snapshots

ReMed's rehabilitation and supported living programs are provided in homes that are owned by ReMed.  The homes provide a therapeutic and supportive environment and allow for more or less intensive levels of care based upon the individual's needs.
Each year ReMed staff prepare a holiday feast for our clients.  It's an evening of friendship, food, celebration and fun for all.
ReMed's President, Joanne Finegan, who started her career 28 years ago as an evening shift Recreation Therapist, shares a moment with supported living client Ric.  Joanne takes the time regularly to attend client celebrations and outings.
58 incredible ReMed employees were nominated for the David L. Strauss Award in 2014.  Named for one of ReMed’s Founding Partners, The David L. Strauss Award was created in 2003 by ReMed to honor an individual whose work has significantly improved the quality of life for people with brain injuries.