- Top Workplaces
- Redfin
Redfin is a company of real estate agents and software engineers on a mission to make buying or selling a home better for you. We’ve reinvented everything about the real estate process: the agent, the technology, the fees, the incentives— to make everything: the listing, the home tour, the offer, the negotiation, the close— better for you.
The Redfin difference is simple but revolutionary: we're on your side. Each Redfin Agent is paid on customer satisfaction, not commission, so working with us feels totally different. All reviews for all Redfin agents are published on their online profiles, and 97 percent of customers would recommend their Redfin agent to a friend. Redfin is able to offer amazing service at a greater value to customers because of our technology.
What makes Redfin work is the combination of service and technology, all from one company. Technology allows us to operate more efficiently and deliver savings to the people who buy and sell their homes with us.
The Redfin difference is simple but revolutionary: we're on your side. Each Redfin Agent is paid on customer satisfaction, not commission, so working with us feels totally different. All reviews for all Redfin agents are published on their online profiles, and 97 percent of customers would recommend their Redfin agent to a friend. Redfin is able to offer amazing service at a greater value to customers because of our technology.
What makes Redfin work is the combination of service and technology, all from one company. Technology allows us to operate more efficiently and deliver savings to the people who buy and sell their homes with us.