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  1. Top Workplaces


PROLOOK is the top custom sportswear apparel manufacturer in its industry. PROLOOK specializes in on-field, on-court, and on-ice game wear as well as
sideline gear pre- and post- game apparel. Custom design with emphasis on functionality for athletes is PROLOOK's​ number one focus.

PROLOOK manufactures Basketball, Football, Softball, Baseball, Hockey, Lacrosse, Soccer, Volleyball, Field Hockey, Track & Field, Cross Country,
Wrestling, Tennis, E Sports, Sideline, and Apparel.... Read more
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Uplift athletes through high-quality products and unmatched support. Nothing can compare to the look on the face of an athlete who opens a new,
fully-customized jersey. Nothing can compare to the excitement of a coach who has a need that has been fulfilled. We live to create these moments for
athletes, their families, their coaches, and their communities. At PROLOOK we are PRO-Athlete. At PROLOOK we are PRO-People.
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We aim to touch every game—and athlete—in the world. We hope to leave a lasting impact on all of our athletes, their communities, and the sports they
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Instill confidence and excitement in athletes and coaches by efficiently bringing to market innovative, quality, custom sports apparel we can all be proud
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Additional Culture Details

We have an open, fun, inclusive, and supportive company culture. Everyone is welcome at PROLOOK—no matter their race, gender, sexuality, or any
other beautiful mark of individuality. We encourage creativity and innovation, and welcome the unique skill sets that each individual brings to the team. It
is vital to us that all employees feel welcome at PROLOOK and are empowered to help fulfill our purpose, vision, and mission.
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Our Values: Family, Sport & Quality.
Family: We love our PROLOOK family—our athletes, parents, coaches, employees, and community—and make it our priority to help all members of that family flourish.

Sport: Everything we do is for the athletes and their communities. We believe sport provides an opportunity for all people to come together regardless of background, beliefs, or any other thing we too often use to divide us. We love being a part of the unrivaled impact of sport.

Quality: We work tirelessly to create the highest quality products at the most competitive prices.


Orem, UT


65 US Employees


Sporting Goods, Hobby, & Musical Instruments

Recent Awards

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