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Oxide Games Company Logo
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  2. Oxide Games

Oxide Games

Oxide is a growing video game company with room for career advancement, agency, and responsibility. Our current project is a "AAA game" with a first-party (large and successful) publisher. But at Oxide we do more than just make great games: we are also technical innovators. We built our own custom game engine, Nitrous, widely recognized as a best-in-class next gen engine. (Nitrous’ abilities can be seen in the games Star Swarm and Ashes of the Singularity.) In short, Oxide is at the forefront of next-generation technology and gaming, and we are looking for smart, talented team members to help us push some limits.... Read more


Push the boundaries of gaming in ways that others only imagine... Read more


Create innovations in gaming technology and processes that stretch the limits... Read more


Build great games that no-one else dares to create... Read more

Additional Culture Details

Oxide games is a casual, friendly place to work. We feel communication and team-collaboration is important within and across disciplines. Oxide encourages and is open to all ideas. We want all employees to feel respected about their work, as well as personally. Our company enjoys a very diverse workforce, with people of all ages, genders, races, creeds and continent of origin. We like each other.... Read more


Timonium, MD


58 US Employees


Mass Market Apps / Software

Recent Awards

Company Snapshots

Company Photo Fall 2019
Deep in thought - Gameday Fall 2019