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Oglethorpe Power Corporation, An Electric Membership Corporation Company Logo
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  2. Oglethorpe Power Corporation, An Electric Membership Corporation

Oglethorpe Power Corporation, An Electric Membership Corporation

Oglethorpe Power Corporation ( OPC ) is one of the nation's largest power supply cooperatives with more than $8 billion in assets serving 38 Electric
Membership Corporations which, collectively, provide electricity to more than 4.1 million Georgia citizens. A proponent of conscientious energy
development and use, OPC balances reliable and affordable energy with environmental responsibility and has an outstanding record of regulatory
compliance. Its diverse energy portfolio includes natural gas, hydroelectric, coal and nuclear generating plants with a combined capacity of
approximately 7,074 megawatts. OPC was established in 1974 and is owned by its 38 Member Systems. It is headquartered in Tucker,Georgia.
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Company Snapshots

Oglethorpe Power employees volunteer for a nature project at an Atlanta-area park.
Oglethorpe Power employees, Deniece Yarbrough and Shelewa Smith volunteer during the annual Heroes Invitational Golf Tournament to benefit wounded military veterans and their families trhough Birdies For The Brave.
Oglethorpe Power employees celebrate major win in 2013 Softball Tournament.
Oglethorpe Power employees enjoy a game of Bocce during the corporation's PowerGames tournment.