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NXL, a Division of Century Engineering, Inc. Company Logo
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  2. NXL, a Division of Century Engineering, Inc.

NXL, a Division of Century Engineering, Inc.

NXL is a leading group of talented transportation engineers, surveyors, and construction managers. We are passionate and experienced professionals
who support and enhance our clients’ infrastructure programs and deliver quality results through teamwork and collaboration. Our people are some of
the most skilled Engineers, Construction Managers, and Land Surveyors in the Mid-Atlantic. They take pride in their work, and in their professional
development, and continually strive to be the best at what they do. NXL specializes in Construction Management and Surveying; we are not distracted by
other disciplines. This laser focus allows us to hire and train the best of the best in their field, and provide our clients with experts in Constru... Read more
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To support and enhance our clients' infrastructure programs with a commitment to excellence, delivered by our passionate and experienced team of
construction engineering and land surveying professionals.
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Additional Culture Details

NXL is a small company with a family feel. We are a close knit group and everything we do is in the best interest of the team and NXL. We have a laid
back atmosphere but everyone is hard working and dedicated to doing their best. The Owner, Nico, treats everyone with respect from our admin. staff
up to our President. We work hard and we play hard at NXL.
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Richmond, VA


80 US Employees



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