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Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District Company Logo
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  2. Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District

Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District

The Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District protects public health and the environment by leading effective wastewater and stormwater management.
As the largest wastewater treatment provider in the State of Ohio, the Sewer District spans 380 square miles, serves 62 communities and one million
residents, and treats 90 billion gallons of wastewater a year. In addition to its award-winning treatment plant and laboratory performance, the Sewer
District's Project Clean Lake construction program will reduce annual Lake Erie pollution by 4 billion gallons by 2035, while its Regional Stormwater
Management Program addresses widespread inter-community problems like flooding, pollution, and erosion.
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Be the environmental leader in enhancing quality of life in the region and protecting its water resources.... Read more


Provide progressive regional management of sewage and stormwater that protects the environment and serves our community.... Read more

Additional Culture Details

Details on employee count:

Full-time Reg 730... Read more
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Accept responsibility, account for one’s action, and deliver on individual and collective commitments.

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More than 780 employees working in hundreds of different jobs are responsible for treating wastewater and managing stormwater with the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District.
Our Good Neighbor Ambassadors at the Buckeye Green Infrastructure event in 2019
From putting pipes in the ground and treating wastewater to green infrastructure and stormwater management on the surface, the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District's work protects public health and our region's water resources.