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  1. Top Workplaces
  2. NJ Lenders Corp

NJ Lenders Corp


At NJ Lenders Corp., we are committed to excellence. We aim to exceed our customer’s expectations by consistently striving for a superior level of
integrity, fostering a welcoming environment, and empowering our clients when making important financial decisions.
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By keeping 95% of our files in-house, NJ Lenders Corp. has the same abilities of a larger company, without the bureaucracy. We remain loyal to our
humble beginnings and our goal is a simple one: offer competitive mortgage rates while exceeding our client’s expectations.
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Our mission is to become the top-of-mind choice for all of our client’s mortgage financing needs. By keeping excellent customer service at the
foundation of our company, 70% of our mortgage loans are derived from previous customer referrals. The greatest recommendations come from our
neighbors, and we continuously strive to serve our communities to the best of our abilities.
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We will approach our clients with truth, honesty, and transparency.


Little Falls, NJ


345 US Employees


Mortgage Lending

Recent Awards

Company Snapshots

Little FAlls building.jpg
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