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- Niche.com
Niche is a platform that helps you discover the schools and neighborhoods that are right for you. We believe finding the right school shouldn’t be hard, so we’re committed to making it easy to discover and connect with the best one for you. On Niche, you have access to comprehensive profiles on every school in America—from the ones you know to the ones you have yet to discover. With unique ratings, honest reviews, personalized recommendations, and tools to guide you through every step, Niche is changing the way millions of people find and connect with their school.
Our vision is to help people find where they belong, whether that means a college, school, or neighborhood.
Make researching and enrolling in schools easy, transparent, and free.
Here at Niche, we believe that finding the right school shouldn’t be complicated. The process of researching and applying to schools should be easy and equitable for all students and parents. Seamless and straightforward. We simplify complex data into clear-cut facts, stats, and real reviews to help our users make an informed decision about their futures.
We are dedicated to providing a transparent view of an institution. Nobody can “pay to play” on Niche, end of story. To paint a realistic picture of a school for prospective students and parents, we know it is essential to present the negative attributes alongside the positive. Our product is designed to make schools as comparable to one another as possible so our users can choose with both eyes wide open.
At the core of our business is the firm belief that every student, regardless of background, should have free access to the tools and guidance needed to choose the right institutions for themselves. Our platform is available to students and parents searching for schools at no cost. Always.
Here at Niche, we believe that finding the right school shouldn’t be complicated. The process of researching and applying to schools should be easy and equitable for all students and parents. Seamless and straightforward. We simplify complex data into clear-cut facts, stats, and real reviews to help our users make an informed decision about their futures.
We are dedicated to providing a transparent view of an institution. Nobody can “pay to play” on Niche, end of story. To paint a realistic picture of a school for prospective students and parents, we know it is essential to present the negative attributes alongside the positive. Our product is designed to make schools as comparable to one another as possible so our users can choose with both eyes wide open.
At the core of our business is the firm belief that every student, regardless of background, should have free access to the tools and guidance needed to choose the right institutions for themselves. Our platform is available to students and parents searching for schools at no cost. Always.