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Nathan Adelson Hospice Company Logo
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  2. Nathan Adelson Hospice

Nathan Adelson Hospice

Nathan Adelson Hospice is the oldest, largest and only nonprofit hospice in Southern Nevada. For over four decades, it has been an honor to provide
terminally ill patients and their families with medical, emotional and spiritual support at life's final stages, regardless of their ability to pay.

Since inception, services have been provided to more than 75,000 patients and families at the most critical time in their lives regardless of ethnicity,
gender, age, religion, disease, insurance status, or ability to pay. We provide care to patients with life-limiting illness and their families inclu... Read more
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No one should end the journey of life alone, afraid or in pain.... Read more


Nathan Adelson Hospice is the hospice of choice, employer of preference, training center of excellence and the community's trusted partner for
comprehensive end-of-life care.
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Employees always pull together; like family.


Las Vegas, NV


368 US Employees



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