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  1. Top Workplaces
  2. Max Connect Digital

Max Connect Digital

Max Connect Digital is a digital marketing agency with roots in performance. We combine the most extensive real-time consumer data with personalized
and timely dynamic ads that routinely exceed performance in the industry. The simple way to think about us is as an agency that transforms the digital
landscape for our clients. We routinely come up against the biggest players in the advertising industry and beat them on performance. Max Connect is
now recognized by Google as being among the top marketing agencies in the world.
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Max Connect seeks to foster a culture and environment of openness, respect, and inclusion. This is carried forward in our agency core values, our key
initiatives for our organization, and our event and engagement activities hosted throughout the year. Our purpose is to provide the best digital
performances for our clients, yet we prioritize the well-being of our employees just as much as our clients.
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Our vision is to foster innovation and technology to grow our prestige and continue to be numbered amongst some of the biggest players in the industry.
The only way we can accomplish this vision is by selecting the right people. In essence, people are our secret weapon and power every aspect of our
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We are over-the-top passionate about creating a workplace that thrives on ambition. We are heavily invested in helping our employees to accomplish
their personal career goals and to feel enabled within their areas of responsibility. At the beginning of each year, every employee is asked to provide a
summary of their goals for developing their professional careers. Department leaders then plan personalized training sessions to enable ea... Read more
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Additional Culture Details

Our team continues to invest heavily in organizations throughout the Salt Lake metro area that provide essential services to underserved communities.
Through direct support of organizations that include Wasatch Adaptive Sports, Granite Education Foundation, Operation Underground Railroad, and For
The Kids, Max Connect works to ensure the welfare of children and families. ... Read more
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Team Above Self
Demonstrate radical candor in our interactions but show empathy towards each other. We work together to see projects to the finish line and praise our shared successes with celebratory activities like company-paid lunches or recreation.


Draper, UT


56 US Employees



Recent Awards

Company Snapshots
