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  1. Top Workplaces
  2. Mather LifeWays

Mather LifeWays

Mather LifeWays (MLW), a unique, non-denominational not-for-profit organization, has been serving older adults in the Chicagoland area for more than 70 years. MLW enhances the lives of older adults by creating Ways to Age Well (SM) through three areas of service. Residential communities provide a high quality of independent living and continuum of care to promote lifelong vitality and quality of life. Mather's—More Than a Café locations, MOREways, and Telephone Topics engage older adults in their own communities and promote older adults as vital, active, lifelong learners and an integral part of the community. MLW Institute on Aging (MLIA) conducts applied research and develops award-winning, evidence-based education programs for professionals who serve older adults and organizations whose employees serve older adults. MLIA is a global resource for information about wellness, successful aging service innovations, and educational programming.... Read more


Evanston, IL


640 US Employees


Senior Living

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