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- Locus Fermentation Solutions
Locus Fermentation Solutions
Locus Fermentation Solutions (Locus FS) is an Ohio-based company developing and delivering microbial-based solutions for a variety of industries
including oil, gas and agriculture. Through a unique fermentation approach developed by our world-class science team, we’ve created economical, safe
products that produce better results and provide a wider range of solutions than chemicals in multiple applications with locations in four states including
Ohio, California, Florida, & Texas. Locus FS is the accelerator company for Locus Agricultural Solutions (Locus AG) & Locus Bio-Energy Solutions.
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including oil, gas and agriculture. Through a unique fermentation approach developed by our world-class science team, we’ve created economical, safe
products that produce better results and provide a wider range of solutions than chemicals in multiple applications with locations in four states including
Ohio, California, Florida, & Texas. Locus FS is the accelerator company for Locus Agricultural Solutions (Locus AG) & Locus Bio-Energy Solutions.
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We provide green solutions that are better than chemical equivalents, and help solve challenges that NO product has ever been able to provide.