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Lemonade Stand

Lemonade Stand provides transparent digital marketing services with measurable results supported by insanely fast customer service.... Read more


Build Then Bless.... Read more


Lemonade Stand exists to prove that successful corporations and the people within them can serve the world for a greater purpose than just making
money. We invest our talents, skills, knowledge, time, and resources to building and growing better businesses and people around the world and then
using the abundance generated from that growth to serve our communities.... Read more
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We help small to medium-sized businesses around the world build, grow, and measure their business through the use of digital marketing services
performed by people who genuinely care about serving others. Our mission is to build better businesses and people and then bless others. Build Then
... Read more

Additional Culture Details

Culture is the way we do life together.... Read more


We believe it all begins with a smile. When we were in college, we noticed a saying on McDonald’s drive-thru menu that read, “Smiles are Free”, so every time we went through the drive-thru we asked for some free smiles. We normally always received better service after asking for some smiles. So, we’ve asked all of our team members to smile and create smiles on a daily basis. Our customer service seems to fall into place if we have retained a smile on our face through good times and challenging times.

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Lead Team Retreat
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Lemonade Stand office
Lemonade Stand office