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  1. Top Workplaces
  2. Laser Spine Institute

Laser Spine Institute

Headquartered in Tampa, Florida, Laser Spine Institute currently operates seven regional surgery centers across the country, in Tampa, Florida;
Scottsdale, Arizona; Philadelphia; Oklahoma City; Cleveland, St. Louis and Cincinnati. Laser Spine Institute has helped more than 50,000 patients find
relief from debilitating neck and back pain caused by spinal stenosis, degenerative disc disease, pinched nerves, bone spurs, bulging/herniated discs,
sciatica and other chronic conditions. Ninety eight percent of patients say they would refer a friend or family member to have surgery at Laser Spine
Institute. Additionally, Laser Spine Institute has been repeatedly recognized by Voyance Health as a National APEX Quality Award winner for... Read more
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Tampa, FL


1,149 US Employees


Physicians Practice

Recent Awards