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La Jolla Institute for Immunology

The La Jolla Institute for Immunology is a non-profit medical research institute dedicated to increasing knowledge and improving human health through
studies of the immune system. Our essential purpose is to expand our understanding of how the immune system works and to discover the causes of
immune system disorders. The knowledge gained through our biomedical research can, in turn lead to the prevention, treatment and cure of a wide
range of human diseases. Led by President Dr. Erica Saphire, the Institute is widely regarded as one of the best places in the world to work in academia
and research papers by LJI scientists are among the most cited in immunology.
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From the moment the La Jolla Institute for Immunology started to take shape in La Jolla, California, it formed strong ties to major academic institutions
and medical centers. While the Institute is proud of its independence as a stand-alone, non-profit research organization, its researchers have established
important partnerships within the research community—in San Diego, across the U.S. and throughout the world. This collaborative and coll... Read more
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Life Without Disease... Read more


Since its inception 33 years ago, La Jolla Institute has solely dedicated itself to understanding the far-reaching power of the immune system because we
believe that no other biomedical discipline has greater implications for human health than immunology.
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Commitment to great science

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