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Jo-Kell, Inc. Company Logo
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  2. Jo-Kell, Inc.

Jo-Kell, Inc.

Although Jo-Kell is known nation-wide as having the unique expertise of supplying the Navy with the electrical equipment needed to keep the fleet afloat,
we are also known for offering high tech industrial products, systems, and services. This business model is truly unique for the electrical and engineering
markets. The company is owned and operated by Suzy Kelly, who has been with the company almost since the day it was founded and took the helm
after the retirement of the founder. She and her husband, Marty, have taken this small business from a simple wholesale operation to a world class
engineering and distribution company. The business has a unique corporate culture where employees are truly valued. If someone in the c... Read more
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To be a recognized center of excellence by providing best-in-class electrical solutions in an environment of collaboration while actively engaging with our
local communities.
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To provide safe, reliable, state-of-the-art products, systems, and services with superior customer service by qualified employees in order to meet the
dynamic needs of the military, commercial marine and industrial community.
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Additional Culture Details

Jo-Kell’s executive leadership, driven by their faith, have developed a unique corporate culture that focuses on employee success. Jo-Kell has developed
a corporate culture that is professional, friendly, giving and fun. This environment inspires employees to achieve their maximum potential in their work
and in their world. ... Read more
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Our sense of commitment and belonging to our co-workers and to our community-at-large. It is our primary focus to contribute to those in need, those less fortunate, and those who risk their lives for our freedom and security.


Chesapeake, VA


85 US Employees


Electrical Equipment, Appliances, & Components

Recent Awards

Company Snapshots

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