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  1. Top Workplaces
  2. Iowa River Hospice

Iowa River Hospice

Established in 1983 Iowa River Hospice is a community based not for profit organization that delivers compassionate care to those facing a life limiting illness. We truly feel it is an honor to serve patients and their loved ones at such a precious time of life. Medical, spiritual and emotional support is delivered by our professional team. Specially trained volunteers round out our team further supporting our patients and families.
Our patient extras include music, massage and pet therapy as well as the Living Legacy program where we video tape a conversation with our patients and the DVD becomes a treasured heirloom for their family. Our patient needs and wishes fund has allowed us to fulfill wishes of our patients such as a wedding, hot air balloon ride,finish a quilt, or bring family together for a visit. Compassionate loving care surrounds our patients as we celebrate their lives with them. We truly strive to make each moment matter in the lives of those we are honored to serve.
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Marshalltown, IA


52 US Employees


Human & Social Services

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