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  1. Top Workplaces
  2. Institute for Health and Recovery

Institute for Health and Recovery

HR is a statewide service, research, policy, program development and capacity building agency. IHR designs its services based on an understanding of
the impact of trauma. IHR’s mission is to develop a comprehensive continuum of care for families, individuals, youth and pregnant and parenting women
affected by alcohol, tobacco and other drug use, violence/trauma, mental health challenges and other health issues. IHR’s work is based on these
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IHR is a statewide service, research, policy, program development and capacity building agency. IHR designs its services based on an understanding of
the impact of trauma. IHR’s mission is to develop a comprehensive continuum of care for families, individuals, youth and pregnant and parenting women
affected by alcohol, tobacco and other drug use, violence/trauma, mental health challenges and other health issues.
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Additional Culture Details

Open, friendly and supportive.... Read more

Recent Awards

  • 2015

  • 2014

  • 2013