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InEight provides field-tested project management software for the owners, contractors, engineers and designers who are building the world around us.
Over 575,000 users and more than 850 customers worldwide rely on InEight for real-time insights that help manage risk and keep projects on schedule
and under budget across the entire life cycle. From pre-planning to design, from estimating to scheduling, and from field execution to turnover, InEight
has powered more than $1 trillion in projects globally across infrastructure, public sector, energy and power, oil, gas and chemical, mining, and
commercial. For more information, follow InEight on LinkedIn or visit
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Challenging how the capital projects and construction industry leverage data to realize proven project certain at every phase of construction.... Read more


To change the future of work within the construction industry by assembling a talented and diverse global team to deliver improved outcomes,
predictability and safety to all project stakeholders through a complete end-to-end construction platform.
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Our integrated solutions ensure project stakeholders have all the information they need, when and where they need it, to make better decisions from an
end-to-end construction platform.
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Additional Culture Details

We believe in building a customer-first culture that's fueled by engaged employees. As we integrate our core values in all we do, we've created a culture
that's diverse and inclusive, and focused on the employee experience. As a result, employees are proud to be a part of InEight. This is demonstrated by
how we foster relationships with customers and how we build our solutions, both of which are designed to create an outstanding InEight Experience.
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We maintain open and honest relationships with our customers and partners and instill trust and unity within the workplace. Trust is the cornerstone of our team and to achieve it, we will always take the high road, keep promises and talk straight.


Scottsdale, AZ


310 US Employees


Mass Market Apps / Software

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What employees are saying

I have the freedom to be the best version of myself.

I am a team member of a successful company that continues to improve and grow, cares deeply about it's employees, it's customers, products and it's future. InEight values us and provides us all with opportunities to truly be a part of the growth and success, all while supporting and encouraging our individual contributions, growth and team work.

Flexibility, challenge, realistic, encouraging.

I have the freedom to be my best and am judged by my performance. Working from home allows me to be focused and efficient.

Complete flexibility and learning opportunities

The projects I work on are important and meaningful.

Because our company is the "Best in Breed" and I continue to learn everyday. There is always a learning opportunity.

I feel heard. I am not afraid to voice opinions and there are opportunities for betterment.

I see the connection of what I do every day to where the company is going

I really like my manager - I feel challenged but always trained and never set up for failure. I like the work that I do and how it impacts the bottom line.

I'm able to make a real difference within the organization. I have an excellent group of peers and support from my manager to make thoughtful decisions about both the substance of my work and the care of my own career.

our software is changing how the construction industry performs and operates. It allows for better job controls to manage costs and increases the ability of the job to eliminate losses. It's exciting to be part of something truly transformative for an industry. Once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

I get to collaborate with a great team. My opinions and ideas are valued and my team treats all with respect as we tackle challenges together.

Company Snapshots
