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Hord Coplan Macht

Creative. Entrepreneurial. Responsible. Sensitive. We’re all about trying to achieve something special here. We don’t over plan, we look for opportunities.
We’re flexible and we care about helping people realize their potential. We do much more as a team than simply design together, we also volunteer at
schools in our communities, play softball, plant trees, climb mountains, prepare meals for families at local children’s hospitals, and much more. HCMers
are not just co-workers, we are a family.
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Company Snapshots

Hord Coplan Macht moved to a new office in July 2018. The new 175-seat office is located at 700 East Pratt Street, Suite 1200.  Increased desks, as well as gathering and collaboration space, will allow the team to continue to grow and broaden its practice.
All three of Hord Coplan Macht offices (Baltimore, Denver and DC Metro) move to new locations this calendar year, marking a major milestone in the firm’s growth.
One of the most anticipated events of the year at Hord Coplan Macht is our annual costume bowling tournament.
Twice a year HCM holds an"Architect for a Day" event. The most recent was the largest to date, hosting twenty-six high school and college students who were interested in learning more about the architecture industry. Their day was filled with site tours, information sessions and even a ride on the Baltimore Water Taxi!
7 hours, 35 people, 2 circular saws, 1 chop saw, 1 planer, and countless drills, screws, paint brushes and rollers later!  Each year Hord Coplan Macht volunteers through Green Apple Day of Service. Recently, they created an outdoor classroom at Baltimore City College
Annual Hawaiian shirt day!