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  1. Top Workplaces
  2. HomeAdvisor


HomeAdvisor is a leading nationwide digital home services marketplace that matches homeowners with local prescreened home professionals. HomeAdvisor has connected more than 40 million homeowners to the company's network of home service and improvement professionals that cover over 500 different types of projects. HomeAdvisor offers homeowners a comprehensive suite of tools, products and services such as ProFinder, ProReviews, True Cost Guide, Instant Booking and Instant Connect.
HomeAdvisor has nearly 2,000 employees between its headquarters in Golden, Colo., and offices in Denver, Colo., Colorado Springs, Colo., Lenexa, Kan., New York, NY, Evanston, Ill, Indianapolis, IN and Fairfax, Va. HomeAdvisor is an operating business of IAC/InterActiveCorp (NASDAQ: IAC), the same leading media and Internet company that owns Vimeo and HomeAdvisor has been named in the top three for Built in Colorado’s top 100 tech companies for the past three years, and was a finalist for the Colorado Technology Association’s Technology Company of the Year award in 2015.
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Denver, CO


2,300 US Employees


Web-based Services

Recent Awards