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Hercules Offshore, Inc. Company Logo
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  2. Hercules Offshore, Inc.

Hercules Offshore, Inc.

Hercules Offshore employees make the difference and it is through our collective efforts that we are able to achieve our mission to be a preferred
provider of incident-free, environmentally sound, reliable and cost-effective services to the oil and gas industry. Hercules Offshore is a leading global
provider of offshore contract drilling and liftboat services, with operations in most of the major shallow water hydrocarbon producing provinces in the
world. We own and operate one of the largest jackup rig and liftboat fleets worldwide. Our diverse and unique fleet is capable of providing services
such as oil and gas exploration and development drilling, well service, platform inspection, maintenance and decommissioning operations i... Read more
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Houston, TX


1,522 US Employees


Other - Energy Industry Services

Recent Awards

Company Snapshots

Healthy HEROES participate in various fun runs, marathons and city events.
Hercules Offshore employees at the football themed company picnic.
Employee Appreciation Day.  Hercules Offshore celebrates its employees.
Hercules Offshore Accounting and Finance Departments participating in some Team Building fun.