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  1. Top Workplaces
  2. Henry Turley Company

Henry Turley Company

Henry Turley Company was founded in 1977 and began doing projects that we thought Memphis needed – projects that, for one reason or another, the private sector was not doing. At that time, downtown Memphis was in serious decline and suffering from disinvestment. We were always aware that we couldn’t rebuild downtown Memphis by ourselves. So we found partners who were motivated to make investments that originated in a civic need, recognizing that to get others to join us, we had to make good returns on our investments. We assumed a willingness to pioneer, hoping our novel projects would succeed both from a civic and financial standpoint.
Henry's work can be seen in the Harbor Town and
South Bluffs neighborhoods in downtown Memphis; in the revitalization of Uptown, an inner city
Memphis neighborhood; in Healthy Community at Jackson Walk in Jackson, TN; and, most
recently on downtown’s South End with the revitalization of Central Station and its environs.
Henry is known for thinking beyond his property lines, and for maintaining deep and productive connections with diverse groups of people, leading to collaborative works of urban revitalization. He sets the vision for the company and each development.
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Memphis, TN


46 US Employees


Property Management

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