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Goodwin Living Company Logo
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  2. Goodwin Living

Goodwin Living

Goodwin Living provides a wide range of senior living and healthcare services. Mission-driven, nonprofit and headquartered in Alexandria, Va., Goodwin
Living serves more than 3,000 older adults across the D.C. region. The workplace succeeds thanks to the more than 900 staff who represent 65+
countries. Staff receive extensive and innovative benefits, from career development programs at all levels of employment to cash grants in times of
hardship to financial and tutoring support to become a U.S. citizen. Since launching in 2018, the Goodwin Living citizenship program has supported
nearly 100 staff members on their way to citizenship.
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Expanding the places and ways we serve older adults... Read more


The mission of Goodwin Living is to support, honor and uplift the lives of older adults and the people who care for them through a faith-based, nonprofit
organization affiliated with the Episcopal Church.
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The call to service is the foundation of our mission.


Alexandria, VA


962 US Employees


Senior Living

Recent Awards

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