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Glendale-River Hills School District Company Logo
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  2. Glendale-River Hills School District

Glendale-River Hills School District

The Glendale-River Hills School District is a diverse K-8 school system located on the northeast side of Milwaukee. The district enrolls approximately 1000 students from K4-8th grade. Parkway School educates students in K4-3rd grade and Glen Hills School educates students in 4th-8th grades. The Glendale-River Hills School District students then attend Nicolet High School.
Over the past seven years the Glendale-River Hills School District has one of the top closing-the-gap scores in the state.
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Glendale, WI


139 US Employees


Primary / Secondary Schools

Recent Awards

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As part of the greater Glendale-River Hills community, the School District will lead in creating a supportive learning environment to inspire all students to strive for excellence in pursuing a strong academic foundation to succeed in and contribute to the global community.
These Glendale-River Hills staff members were recognized in August 2013 for their long-term employment with the district.
Pictured are the new hires within the Glendale-River Hills School District for the 2013-14 school year.
Glen Hills Middle School was recognized by the U.S. Green Building Council for its Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED).  Glen Hills is the first non-new construction school building in WI to be LEED certified by the USGBC.