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  2. Geron


Geron is a late-stage biopharmaceutical company tirelessly pursuing blood cancer treatments with the potential to extend and enhance lives. Our first-in-class investigational telomerase inhibitor, imetelstat, harnesses Nobel Prize-winning science in a treatment that may alter the underlying drivers of disease. Geron's approach could change the course of blood cancers—changing lives for the better.... Read more


Our ambition is to change lives by changing the course of blood cancer.... Read more


Nobel Prize-winning discoveries about an enzyme called telomerase and its impact on driving uncontrolled proliferation of malignant cells were our beginning.

The belief in the potential of targeting and inhibiting telomerase to kill malignant cancer cells started our journey.

The advancement of that idea into treatments that extend and enhance patients’ lives by altering the underlying drivers of disease is our mission.

Our belief in this science moves us to try things others have not. Our collaborative spirit and courage allow us to see things in ways others do not. Our determination to bring patients a transformative treatment led us to forge new pathways.
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Geron’s mission is to extend and enhance the lives of people living with blood cancers by altering the underlying drivers of disease.... Read more

Additional Culture Details

At Geron, our resilient and collaborative culture has been foundational to our advancement of telomerase inhibition as a potential treatment to change the course of blood cancers.

Our vision can only be accomplished through the talent we bring to and retain within the company, and the culture and values we embody as a team. We recognize and value the unique strengths of our team members and the impact and contributions of each employee.
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Pioneering Pathways
Pioneering innovative blood cancer therapies requires forging new pathways in science and in how we work.
We believe positive disruption and transformation comes through continuous learning and seeking opportunities for growth.


Foster City, CA


150 US Employees



Recent Awards