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Florida Vocational Institute

Florida Vocational Institute is committed to providing you a quality education in a lifelong, rewarding career. FVI takes pride in offering first-class training and the guidance, tools, and support needed to prepare you for the job you want. We are dedicated to helping you achieve success with our passionate and knowledgeable faculty, successful career placement team, and our warm and welcoming community.... Read more


The purpose of Florida Vocational Institute is to offer affordable training and employable skills in the challenging and rewarding IT and Healthcare career fields.... Read more


FVI – Florida Vocational Institute’s Vision is to provide our community with career training that prepares our students for great careers in high growth and high demand industries. Our vision is to provide every individual who has the passion and drives with employment focused career training. FVI career training is designed to be affordable, flexible, and results-oriented.... Read more


Florida Vocational Institute’s mission is to educate and prepare students to become entry-level professionals in high demand careers. We aim to improve employability and inspire lifelong career growth, thereby improving the lives of individuals in our community. ... Read more


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Recent Awards

Company Snapshots

Spring Graduation 2019
FVI Faculty Members
2019 Annual Kick Off
Student Appreciation Event