Established in 2010, we are a professional Technology Life Cycle Solutions company that caters to Fortune 1000 clients. Through our innovative business model of shouldering the burden of responsibility of consulting, purchasing, installation, deployment, logistics, liability and reporting, our clients reap the many benefits both directly and indirectly. Our clients believe in the vision that it is possible to give generously to our community while still providing world-class services and support. At ER2, we value four attributes that we believe to be vitally important and should be lived out daily by all of our team members. They act as our compass and point each one of us toward the way we should conduct ourselves, our business, and ultimately how we should treat others. They guide the way we behave and are imperative to the growth of our people and of our company. We are constantly: improving, acting in humility, living a life of servanthood, and relentlessly pursuing excellence.
ER2 is unique in that our focus isn't directly on the types of products we sell or services we offer. Our focus is directly on our people and how we can work together to make a difference, both in their lives and that of our partners and community. We provide full lifecycle IT solutions, yes, but really what we provide is a ideas and support that help those around us to improve. We want our partners to have simple solutions to their needs, we want our team members to be able to do their jobs with ease, we want to donate technology to those lacking resources, and we want to protect our environment from additional harm via reuse and recycling.
ER2's vision is to Empower Uniqueness via our Clients, Team Members, Community, and Environment. We want to help shine the light on the talents and differences of those we come in contact with, the things that set each of them apart from one another. We strive to give generously to the community, provide world-class services and support to our clients, and protect the environment.
ER2's mission is to grow a sustainable company that provides continuous opportunity for others to constantly improve.
Additional Culture Details
ER2 invests into its people, provides ongoing opportunities to learn and develop new skills, and encourages everyone to take responsibility in serving each other, the community, and the environment. As far as for the team members ER2 provides: dedicated time for personal development planning, ongoing growth opportunities (cross-training, misc. professional workshops), leadership development opportunities, etc. Leadership opportunities are provided to team members at no cost to them, i.e. seminars/conferences, and leadership book purchasing and distribution. ER2 covers health insurance premiums for employees, offers an annual apparel allowance, and a 401K company-match. We have a strong focus on team member engagement via celebrations, frequent communication of our health benefits, on-site wellness initiatives with incentives, company-sponsored meals and events, and we also provide financial support and other flexibility when a team member is in need. ER2 holds quarterly events to give back to just the team members. We continue to provide specialized work anniversary gifts as well as custom birthday cards. Our donation program is ongoing, but with the help of our partners just in 2021, we were able to provide 300 computers to those in need to help bridge the digital divide. We also offer 20 paid volunteer hours to all of our team members per year. We strive to positively impact the lives of those around us.
- Improving
- Improving team members are self-motivated and diligent. They are constantly thinking about the next steps and opportunities, finding ways to improve the process and themselves. They persistently seek constructive feedback and are willing to help others with improvements of their own.