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  2. Elizabeth Academy

Elizabeth Academy

Elizabeth Academy is a not-for-profit, private school for inclusive Montessori education. We have a Primary campus (Infants - 6th grade) in Millcreek and a Secondary campus (Middle & High School) in Sugarhouse, with over 300 students combined. We are pioneering inclusive education for students with disabilities and are the vanguard of Montessori best practices in Utah.... Read more


Enlightenment for Life

We believe that on the child rests the future of humanity. So we must love, value, and respect the children and every child. All children are unique and we will diligently strive to meet them at their individual need, realizing that this benefits the whole. We will focus on all strengths, overcome weakness and Imagine Possibility.
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Our vision is to become a beacon on a hill, guiding others to a higher vision of individuals with intellectual disabilities to see them for who they truly are. They belong in our classrooms with typical peers. They are the spark that lights our way. And so we are lighting the way, innovating and amplifying inclusive education more broadly throughout the whole educational landscape, public and private, from infancy and throughout a lifetime.

We believe in the value and educational investment in every child, no matter their individual limitations, and teach them the value of working within a classroom and school community that leans upon and lifts one another. Together we create and innovate, radiating love and positivity.

The ultimate vision of Elizabeth Academy is to be a model school for inclusive education, linking arms with other entities, college programs and state, even federal agencies to provide innovative educational techniques and to support people with intellectual disabilities, connecting them to the larger society. We are a lighthouse on the shore, giving and guiding others, always open and innovating, finding a better way for all to find human connection and fulfillment.
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Elizabeth Academy is an inclusive private school, embracing children of diverse abilities from infancy through high school. We gently but firmly guide students on their educational journey, preparing them for life through the Montessori method/philosophy, and Christian principles. Believing in the dignity and divinity of every child, we help them to become confident, caring and competent contributors to their community, leading purposeful and meaningful lives.... Read more

Additional Culture Details

Living in a society that is becoming increasingly divided, Elizabeth Academy is a refreshing reprieve. We are diverse, but not divisive. We actively pursue PEACE education in our Montessori curriculum and our school emphasizes UNITY and MUTUAL RESPECT for varying beliefs, backgrounds and abilities.
It is a safe space to “be unique and belong,” and share ideas and opinions (relayed in a civil manner). Kindness rules in our quest for knowledge and truth. “Choice within Limits” is a wise Montessori mantra, which we employ as we follow each child in their growth and development, helping them to understand that their individual choices impact others in a ripple effect, positively or negatively, so they should be thoughtful about others in the community as they make choices.

We have a warm, respectful, thoughtful and kind community. And we have a lot of fun!
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Dignity in Divinity
Imagine a world where everyone wins. Where all who enter are loved, valued and appreciated for their intrinsically divine worth and potential. Where differences are viewed with intrigue and wonder. Calm and confidence replace competition and anxiety. Hands reach out, lift up, embrace and strengthen one another. Gifts are cherished no matter how great or small. Imagine the possibilities at Elizabeth Academy.


Salt Lake City, UT


106 US Employees


Primary / Secondary Schools

Recent Awards

Company Snapshots

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