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D&G Support Services

D&G’s mission is to protect our nation’s critical infrastructure and eliminate threats to the U.S. supply chain. We create decision advantage through data analytics, risk and capability analysis, and strategic planning. Our expertise includes forecasting part obsolescence and developing a global logistics strategy approved by the Armed Services Committee. We are proudly an SDVOSB, WOSB, and 8(a) family-owned business, with success as the United States Transportation Command and the DHS Secretary Teams of the Year.... Read more


What defines D&G is our commitment to selfless service, our One Team One Fight approach, our belief that faith and determination can move mountains, and our commitment to excellence in everything that we do. We are committed to service and the success of our team, family and country. We value each other and can take on any fight. We set high expectations and strive for excellence in everything that we do. Together we protect and defend our nation and provide invaluable services to achieve mission success.... Read more


D&G Support Services is a people-focused company with a mission to serve and support those who defend our nation. We execute this mission by a “One Team-One Fight” approach that maximizes each individual’s capabilities and contributions to the proven performance and professionalism of our team. Our high-speed, lean corporate structure empowers team members to maximize their skills, talents, and knowledge to deliver next-generation solutions.

When D&G was founded, we wanted to set ourselves apart. We knew that despite being the underdog and despite being small, we could reshape the way that government contracting is done, and we could prove that size and resources don’t matter as much as the heart, skills, and courage of the people. D&G was built on the principles of strength, compassion, and leadership. These values guide our work and are key elements of our success.
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D&G's mission can be summed up by the untold story of David & Goliath, where David's unique skills, talents, and life experiences equipped him to tackle the formidable giant. David & Goliath changes our perspective of strengths and weaknesses, advantages, and disadvantages, blessing and misfortune. In many cases in life and work, what we consider valuable arises out of these kinds of lopsided conflicts, because the act of facing overwhelming odds produces tenacity.

These values and history seeps into our work and is what sets us apart. We value each individual’s unique capabilities, life experiences, and contributions. Because we know that even if you’re the underdog, you can tackle the “Goliath,” by relying on your unique skills. While we understand that having extensive resources can be an advantage, it can also make you immobile and stagnant. Meanwhile, movement, endurance, individual intelligence, knowledge, and courage allow the underdogs to do the impossible.
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Additional Culture Details

Our company culture is predicated on openness, strength, integrity, and comradery. We build that comradery by consistently showing our employees that we value and appreciate them. Regular gift giving, events, and handwriting cards to our employees is a big part of building team spirit and ensuring that nobody gets left behind. We believe in taking a One Team - One Fight, approach. Together we can accomplish much more than we can alone.... Read more


Having the courage to try, even when the odds are against us has been a defining feature of our growth. When D&G was founded, we wanted to take on the "giants," and believed we could do so despite being small. It is courage and the willingness to try that separates winners from losers. Being courageous is something we take pride in. Our team is a reflection of courage and strength.


Woodbridge, VA


144 US Employees


Data Analysis & Research

Company Snapshots

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