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Saint Louis Crisis Nursery Company Logo
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  2. Saint Louis Crisis Nursery

Saint Louis Crisis Nursery

For 37 years, the Saint Louis Crisis Nursery has been committed to preventing child abuse and neglect.

The Crisis Nursery provides a short-term, safe haven for almost 4,000 children a year, birth through age 12, whose families face an emergency caused
by illness, homelessness, domestic violence, or overwhelming parental stress. Providing respite care to stressed parents in crisis can preve... Read more
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The Saint Louis Crisis Nursery envisions a world where all children thrive in a safe, stable and nurturing home.... Read more


The Saint Louis Crisis Nursery is committed to prevention of child abuse and neglect and provides emergency intervention, respite care, and support to
families in crisis through:
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We fulfill our mission with transparency, responsibility, and accountability


St Louis, MO


114 US Employees


Human & Social Services

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What employees are saying

It allows me to give back to the community while also allowing me the flexibility I need

I get to impact kids and work with a talented, smart team

I feel respected and cared about by my fellow staff while doing a job that allows me to make a difference

It offers an environment where new ideas and approaches are encouraged and welcome. It allows us the flexibility to think outside the box when it comes to helping families.

I have a variety of tasks that I preform which makes everyday interesting and different.

I love our mission of keeping kids safe and helping families.

Company Snapshots

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