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  2. COPT


Corporate Office Properties Trust (NYSE:OFC) is a specialty office real estate investment trust (REIT) that focuses primarily on strategic customer relationships and specialized tenant requirements in the U.S. Government and Defense Information Technology sectors and Data Centers serving such sectors. The Company acquires and develops properties which are typically:
- concentrated in large office parks primarily located adjacent to government demand drivers and/or in strong markets that we believe possess growth opportunities.
- technically sophisticated buildings in visually appealing settings that are environmentally sensitive, sustainable and meet unique customer requirements.

We acquire, develop, own, manage and lease first-class office properties with the core purpose of creating environments that inspire success.
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Corporate Office Properties Trust (COPT)
(NYSE: OFC) is a real estate investment
trust (REIT) that owns, manages, leases
and develops Class A office and data
center properties.
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Create value for our shareholders by allocating capital primarily to
hi-tech Defense/IT locations and select durable demand locations,
and by concentrating growth internally through NOI appreciation
and externally through low-risk development.
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Columbia, MD


400 US Employees


Real Estate Investment

Recent Awards

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