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Concordia Plans (CPS) Company Logo
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  2. Concordia Plans (CPS)

Concordia Plans (CPS)

All over the world, workers of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod share the gospel. For more than 50 years, Concordia Plans has offered plans to
protect those workers by providing them and their families with excellent comprehensive benefits including health, retirement, disability and survivor. We
stand as an ally for LCMS organizations and church workers. As an LCMS workforce solutions partner, we take our responsibility to serve to heart — with
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Our purpose is clear: to provide worker benefits and business services to Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod ministries.

For more than 50 years we’ve been doing just that – offering quality health care, financial programs and business solutions so LCMS employ... Read more
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Healthy and engaged workers serving in thriving ministries.... Read more


Serve Ministries... Care for Workers...So that the Word of God spreads!... Read more


We strive to provide quality outcomes in support of the LCMS community. In doing so, we commit to delivering superior solutions to meet the unique needs of ministries and workers. (Philippians 4:8)


St. Louis, MO


157 US Employees


Non-profit - Other

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What employees are saying

I get to work for and with a faith centered organization that allows me to bring more of my whole self to work.

I am able to use my people skills to serve ministries to help them understand the benefits they provide their workers.

I am thankful to work with such kind people who are passionate about the overall goal of our company to serve our members.

I love the culture of our company. I love the people I work with. I love the servant leadership mindset of CPS.

I have the autonomy to try new things. My manager is encouraging and supportive and makes me want to do a good job. The flexibility to work from home on occasion helps me achieve a good work/life balance.

My co-workers are really dedicated to providing the best service to our members. A common goal, shared by all is very fulfilling.

I feel like I am listened to and the work life balance is very good.

Work life balance. I love the work from home option for work life balance. It is very important to me.

I am given freedom to explore new ideas and bring them forward consistent with the mission statement. Leadership openly looks to develop people and treats employees well.

I love working with people who share similar values to myself, and I know that my work has meaning.

I am challenged in the work I do, supported by my boss and have an amazing team.

I love serving our members and ministries. I get great satisfaction from educating our members and ministries about their benefits. I thoroughly enjoy working with my coworkers.

I have the flexibility to get my job done and balance my home life. Mutual respect and appreciation for my co-workers and feel respected and appreciated by my boss. At the end of the day, I am excited that I have helped our workers who are out there spreading the gospel.

Company Snapshots

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