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Community Legal Services Company Logo
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  2. Community Legal Services

Community Legal Services

Community Legal Services is on a mission to provide no-cost legal aid to the most vulnerable in our communities; We call it “Legal Aid for All”. As a
PILLAR in the community since 1966, our dedicated staff attorneys, paralegals, legal assistants, and advocates have worked diligently to solve civil legal
problems that impact the day to day lives of Central Florida residents who cannot afford private attorney fees.
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Every day, CLSMF attorneys and advocates work to resolve legal issues related to consumer protection, small business and non-profit law, family law,
children and education, domestic violence, elder abuse and neglect, health and income-related benefits, housing, and veterans' benefits. We have
partnerships in the medical community to help improve patient health by addressing environmental factors through legal remedies.
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Our Core Values
Our core values drive how we work, the decisions we make, and exemplify our staff, volunteers, and partnerships. Our mission requires us to be a PILLAR in the communities we serve.

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Company Snapshots

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