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Chinese American Service League Company Logo
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Chinese American Service League

CASL is the largest social service agency in the Midwest serving Asian Americans. We are an all-inclusive nonprofit agency with 40+ years of experience educating youth, caring for seniors, training the workforce, placing immigrants on the path to citizenship, and securing our community’s housing and financial wellbeing.
Funded by The Asian American Foundation (TAAF), our Anti-Hate Action Center ensures victims have access to comprehensive services such as mental health support, and we partner with the community to fight back against injustice.

Many of the households we serve are multigenerational with three or more generations all living under the same roof. But even when this isn’t the case, CASL is dedicated to fulfilling the needs of entire families no matter how many roofs they live under. Families are the foundation of our community, and when our foundation is strong, our community can thrive.
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The purpose of CASL's MVV statements is to guide the decision-making of the organization and team members while remaining true to CASL's founding principles and passion for delivering impactful services to the community. The statements serve as CASL's moral compass and convey its vision for the world.
- Mission reflects why CASL exists and expresses the commitment to responding to the changing needs of the community.
-Vision incorporates the best of what CASL does and delivers as a modern social service agency and paints the ideal world where CASL achieves its vision.
-Values reflect who CASL is, what CASL does, and why CASL does it, and serve as guiding principles.
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Individuals, families,and communities-inspired by tradition-thrive and prosper in a diverse and inclusive world.... Read more


Building on the wisdom of generations, CASL catalyzes the transformation of individuals, families and the community for an equitable future.... Read more


Grounded in mutual respect and acceptance, we model generosity, empathy, a sense of belonging and care, and welcome all who seek our services.

Recent Awards

Company Snapshots

Halloween at CASL
Adult Day Service
Youth at CASL
Culinary Training Program