- Top Workplaces
- Back to Basics Learning Dynamics Inc
Back to Basics Learning Dynamics Inc
Since 1985, the extraordinary educators at Back to Basics Learning Dynamics have provided exceptional, 1-on-1 tutoring and language translation
services to thousands of learners aged 3 to 103. Our staff includes hundreds of professionals who hold Bachelor's, Master's or Doctoral degrees and
excel in their field of study. Back to Basics also operates Delaware’s only 1-on-1 K-12 Private School. The Augustine Hills School provides a nurturing
environment with hands-on teaching and testing methods, carefully matching teachers to each student's unique needs and learning style. Our language
professionals serve schools and business entities by translating documents or doing real-time interpreting in 20+ languages. We also offer ... Read more
services to thousands of learners aged 3 to 103. Our staff includes hundreds of professionals who hold Bachelor's, Master's or Doctoral degrees and
excel in their field of study. Back to Basics also operates Delaware’s only 1-on-1 K-12 Private School. The Augustine Hills School provides a nurturing
environment with hands-on teaching and testing methods, carefully matching teachers to each student's unique needs and learning style. Our language
professionals serve schools and business entities by translating documents or doing real-time interpreting in 20+ languages. We also offer ... Read more
To improve the lives of learners of all ages
To be a trusted partner of education support for schools and parents everywhere
To help level the education playing field for every learner
- Integrity
- We strive to always do the right thing