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  1. Top Workplaces

AUTOMATIONDIRECT.COM, originally founded as PLCDirect in 1994, has quickly grown from a tiny PLC company to a well-recognized name in the Industrial
Automation Market. As the first industrial controls company to successfully use a direct sales catalog for Programmable Logic Controllers, uses its cyberspace superstore, in addition to its 800 number, to sell tens of thousands of industrial control products. Its three
driving forces for success are low prices on quality products, fast shipping, and superior customer service. The company's ability to sell high-technology
automation products for very low prices depends on the efficiencies inherent in a direct marketing model. The Cumming facility is its sole lo... Read more
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To be the best and biggest source of industrial control products in North America in the minds of our customers, partners and associates. ... Read more


To offer the most practical products at the lowest cost of ownership, shipped the same day.... Read more

Additional Culture Details

Our company culture is based on a concept known as Customer Driven Leadership® (CDL). CDL is a methodology for business improvement based on
the servant leader concept that says in order to be a leader, everyone must serve others (customers and one another).
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Cumming, GA


271 US Employees


Wholesale Distribution

Recent Awards

Company Snapshots

AutomationDirect Family 5k Run/Walk 2016
Held annually at the Cumming Fairgrounds for our team members and their family!
Annual Profit Serving Celebration 2016
Each team highlights their accomplishments during this celebration that aid in the company's success
Annual Christmas Party 2016
All team members and their families are invited to celebrate for the holidays at a catered event with door prizes, games and live entertainment.
Retirement Celebration 2016
We host a reception for our teamers that retire with 5 years of service or more.  They get to choose the menu and their fellow teamers sign their memory photo album reflecting their time at AutomationDirect.